0121 751 6628
services for your organisation

We are a niche waste brokerage company that identifies practical and sustainable outlets for waste materials and by-products from manufacturing and waste management processes.
About reverse waste management: We aim to find genuine reuse and recycling options for materials that avoids them being sent to landfill and provides cost effective secondary raw materials for manufacturing processes. We work with an extensive network of manufacturers, recyclers and reprocessors to find alternative materials to fit the specification that you require.​ In reality, a lot of materials require processing prior to use in another application. We have built up a network of reprocessors in different sectors to enable materials to be graded, repackaged, screened and dried so they can be reused in other processes.​ Your business might need a material of a particular specification - dry and granular, for example. We will source what you need and work with you through its lifecycle.
We believe the vast majority of materials will be suitable for use in a different application and we use our industry experience and extensive contact base to make links between companies to turn this into reality.
By taking the time to listen we can provide exactly the waste management service you need, no matter how specific it might be.
We have many years of experience together with a close network of trusted associates who we can explore options with, making sure you get the service you need.
Our solutions make sense financially and for your organisation's environmental policy.
A large proportion of our work involves the careful management of food waste and organic waste streams. We work closely with animal feed and AD plants to find the best outlet for food based materials.
A good example of well managed food waste is the potential to convert it to fertiliser or power. Our approach to all bespoke solutions is to actively avoid landfill which reflects both our culture - and that of our clients.
This is where we shine. We are known in the industry for working out well-structured plans for more unusual waste materials. This might include x-rays (also see secure destruction) and other less usual items.
Organic materials
Foundry sand
Manufacturing by-products
Metal materials
Abrasive materials
Powders ​
We can organise the secure destruction of a wide range of products at trusted and fully compliant disposal sites.
This will provide you with the confidence that your products will be correctly destroyed to maintain your organisation's confidentiality.
We have experience of managing the secure disposal of a range of products including
x-rays, food waste, cosmetics, cleaning products, electronic goods, furniture, aggregate recycling and adhesives.
Cardboard, plastics and WEEE waste are common items that need regular or constant management.
Using our national contacts and taking location and quantity into account, we will know the best route for this kind of waste.
We always strive to make every transaction as sustainable and cost-effective as possible.
(reverse waste management)
Why use virgin materials when there is nearly always a more sustainable and low carbon alternative? We work with you to find the best materials for your needs, avoiding the need for virgin materials where possible.
Where there is inevitable waste we'll aim to use that by-product somewhere else, often in an entirely different sector.
Perpetuating the circular economy is a global challenge for businesses and Black Pear Environmental is an active part of that cycle, taking a positive role.
Expert advice and guidance
BPE can reduce your waste disposal costs by finding different applications for these materials and therefore avoid them being sent to landfill.
We specialise in looking at the more difficult waste streams where a non-landfill outlet is not always obvious and can be time consuming to investigate.
We can provide bespoke advice to support the delivery of a range of projects including feasibility studies, feedstock sourcing, waste stream characterisation and duty of care audits.
Our industry experts have over 20 years’ experience in the waste industry and will be able to provide valuable expertise to your projects.
How can we help?
Use the contact details below to get in touch